En liten Mana-text doppad i en blandning av sobril, öl och kaffe ;)
am i falling for you?
that's not what i'm supposed to do
am just meant to be your friend
and stay that way till the end
maybe i'm about to ruin it all
by tearing down our friendship wall
building up something new
thats not meant for me and you
i guess this is pretty bad
but please, dont be mad
we can go on as we always have
but still i cant help dreaming
about your soft, red lips
and please, dont mind me screaming
and trying to touch your hips
okay, i promise to not put my hand in your pants
and force you to slowdance
and i will always be you borderline-fucking-whore
until you want me for more ;D
Den började ganska seriöst men mot slutet märker jag att jag liksom råkade... flippa ur lite :O